January 30, 2025
December 10, 2024
The New Mexico Defense Lawyers Association congratulates Juan M. Marquez, Jr., Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb, PA, of Albuquerque, New Mexico!
At the 2024 DRI Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, Juan was
recognized as State Representative of the year. Additionally, at the Annual Meeting, the DRI National Board of Directors elected four individuals to join them as national directors (each serving three-year terms).
Congratulations are in order again for Juan, as he was selected
as a National Director.
February 28, 2023
March is already upon us, which means the first day of Spring is here and we are moving towards our state's warm, sunny days. Two other March-related events also come to mind as relevant to our practice – International Women's History Month and March Madness.
Soon, you should be receiving a Save the Date reminder for our biennial Women in the Courtroom CLE, which will take place, this year, on November 8. This is one of the NMDLA's most well-received CLEs and this year will be no exception. Effective January 1, 2024, Rule 18-201 (D) requires at least one hour of CLE training in subjects dealing with Equity in Justice. We are already working on ensuring that the Women in the Courtroom CLE will fulfill this requirement.
International Women's History Month is also a great opportunity to discuss NMDLA's new Women in the Law Section. This section will be a group for women defense attorneys to come together to discuss pertinent issues related to women and the defense bar. Amy Headrick has agreed to spearhead this new endeavor on behalf of the Board of Directors, and I am excited to see it get up and running!
Sorry to disappoint basketball fans, but my reference to March Madness is not about brackets. Often, it seems that the practice of law can feel like madness. As I speak with other members of the NMDLA, so often the complaint is how busy the practice has become. We are not alone – as I speak to friends who don't practice law, they face similar pressures.
My goal for this year is to provide more opportunities to engage with others, through CLEs, networking events or opportunities to volunteer. I don't think I am alone in thinking the practice of law has changed drastically in the last couple years. Please remember to make time to develop (and enjoy) your personal and professional relationships with your colleagues on either side.
Regarding volunteers, I want to take time to thank each of the volunteers that help this organization, particularly our outgoing President, Ryan Sanders, who has continued to provide a lot of guidance for me so far this year. If you are looking for opportunities to get involved with the NMDLA, please don't hesitate to reach out to any of the board members. Each of us has our contact information listed on the website.
Jeffrey Mitchell, NMDLA President
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